Eksim has been following the renewable energy technologies over a decade by aiming to convert potential power of water and wind in Turkey into society’s benefit.

As of today, total capacity of Eksim’s renewable energy portfolio is 874 MW which consist of 642 MW Wind Energy, 162 MW Hydro Power and 70 MW Solar Energy  Projects.

In addition to energy production, Eksim holds an Electricity Wholesale License obtained from EMRA which allows it to sale electricity to private sector companies as well as import and export electricity.

Eksim Group managed the acquisition of Dicle Power Distribution and Retail Companies under the Turkish Government’s privatization program. This vertical acquisition will create significant synergy which enables to grow faster in energy sector.

Eksim’s subsidiary Batı Hattı is one of the few natural gas importer companies in Turkey. By the acquisition of importing license of natural gas, Batı Hattı imports 1 bcm annually, 10% of private sector’s total importation volume.

Electricity Wholesale Company was founded to operate in the electricity wholesale market. The company trades in electricity with eligible customers in accordance with the limits set by market regulations and internal risk management.

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